Sunday, August 26, 2012

YOJ Week 34 - Patina Party

Did y'all happen to see Sue Lacy's blog post on patina's? I decided to experiment with ammonia fuming on a couple of previously created copper pieces and wow! Did I ever get the most beautiful blues and greens!!! Check this out!


  1. Wow! Those are gorgeous colors! Ok, you just inspired me to give it a try :)

  2. gorgeous! Saw the "work in progress" and they are fab! Great job, Eva!!!!

  3. Beautiful. Love those colors and the spiral cuff is great.

  4. The colors are beautiful! I just heard about ammonia fuming a few weeks ago and want to try it out! Seeing your results I'm going to try it sooner rather than later!!

  5. Thanks friends! I will definitely be doing more patina parties! :-)


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