
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Ireland May 2015

Have you always wanted to go to Ireland? And learn how to make metal jewelry? Now you can cross both items off your bucket list. Join me, see the sights, AND make jewelry!!!!

Ireland with Metal Artist Eva Sherman

May 6 – 14, 2015
Galway ~ Mulranny ~ Dublin

Sign-up deadline:  February 15, 2015!

Join Eva Sherman, a fabulous wire and metal artist, for a workshop at the beautiful Essence of Mulranny residence in western Ireland’s County Mayo. The beautiful and peaceful surroundings will inspire you to create as well as enjoy the countryside.

You’ll spend the first night in the vibrant city of Galway. This university town, with its bustling medieval streets and quaint shops, is a charming place to start your journey. Take a city tour and learn about the Claddagh, the old tribes of Galway and see the past and present brought together in a dynamic and lively way. Meet fellow participants at a welcome meal the first evening and follow it with a good night’s rest at the Park House Hotel. You’ll then travel on to the Essence of Mulranny, your home base for the next seven days from which you’ll explore the area’s history and experience its beauty. You’ll then travel by train across Ireland to Dublin for your final night in Ireland.


Day 1. Wednesday, May 6. Arrive in Dublin; travel to Galway City.
The Beadventure starts with your flying into Dublin. You’ll then catch one of the many airport buses that will transport you to Galway’s City Center on the west coast of. We will stay at the Park House Hotel, which is located directly across the street as you exit the bus terminal (you will see the hotel’s back entrance, which is clearly marked). A room will have been booked in your name.
Galway is a pedestrian friendly city and you are free for the rest of the day to explore the old city center on your own (or take a nap after your long journey). The group will meet up with Cheryl Cobern-Browne, your tour leader, in the hotel lobby at 6 p.m. for a welcome meal (included) at a local restaurant.
Day 2. Thursday, May 7. Tour Galway; Travel to Essence of Mulranny.
The morning is free and you can enjoy an optional tour or the city or enjoy shopping in Galway. In the early afternoon you will embark by bus for the two-hour drive through the Counties of Galway and Mayo to the town of Castlebar. Here you will transfer to a private bus for transport to the Essence of Mulranny residence (25-miles away in the village of Mulranny). Your luggage will be transported by private car from Galway and be at the residence when you arrive. Breakfast and dinner is included; lunch will be on your own.
Days 3. Friday, May 8. Experience Mayo County.
The group will depart at 11 a.m. for a local area tour that will include Rockfleet Castle (the Pirate Queen’s last residence before she died in 1603); Burrishoole Abbey (1469) and the picturesque graveyard that surrounds it. After lunch at a pub, the Granuaile, (included) in Newport, we will visit the famous Harry Clarke Stained Glass windows.
We will return to the residence and your afternoon will be free to relax and experience the surroundings. The views from the residence of the mountains, sea, and sky are beautiful in an altogether relaxing and mesmerizing environment. Bicycles are available for riding the Greenway walk/bike path that extends many miles on each side of the village. The path follows an old railroad system that runs along the coast if anyone feels energetic before or after class. Alternatively, the 40-minute loop walk down to the beach is always refreshing. After dinner we will set up in the studio and get ready for class. All of today’s meals are included.
Day 4 & 5. Saturday & Sunday, May 9 & 10. Workshop.
Over the weekend we will have two day-long workshops with Eva on cuff projects previewed from her upcoming new book titled "Cool Copper Cuffs" scheduled to be released in the fall of 2015.  Saturday's workshop will be on wired cuffs; Sunday's will be on metal cuffs.  Other students from various parts of Ireland also may join the workshop for the weekend sessions. All meals included over the two days.
Day 6. Monday, May 11. Tour the Countryside.
Today the group will visit Achill Island, drive the dramatic Atlantic coastline, and explore the Deserted Village. We will have lunch on the Island at the Beehive Café (on your own). Breakfast and dinner included.
Day 7. Tuesday, May 12. Workshop
Another workshop day with Eva! Today's will be about mixed media cuffs.  Breakfast, lunch, and dinner included
Day 8. Wednesday, May 13. Depart for Dublin.
In the morning we will visit Suzie Sullivan’s fiber art studio and see this talented artist’s work before catching the train to Dublin. The journey to Dublin is 3.5 hours so there will be time to work on knitting or other projects while traveling across the country. Once in Dublin, taxis will take the group to Bewleys Hotel in Ballsbridge. We will meet for a farewell dinner (included) at 7 pm in the hotel restaurant. For those who like late nights, there is plenty going on in Dublin for an evening’s entertainment! All of today’s meals are included.
Day 9. Thursday May 14. Depart for Home.
Regretfully all good things must come to an end, as does this Beadventure. You can enjoy breakfast at the hotel (included) and continue on with your Ireland adventure or catch the Aircoach bus back to the airport (it stops near the hotel every 20- 30 minutes for the 40-minute ride to the Dublin airport).

About Eva Sherman . .
”Cuffs are not for the faint of heart. They’re big, bold, beautiful, wearable works of art. And a little in your face, just the way I like ‘em.” ~ Eva Sherman

Eva will be teaching cuff projects from her second book titled "Cool Copper Cuffs" scheduled to be released in the fall of 2015. The book contains 30+ wire, metal, and mixed media designs, and Beadventure students will be the first to create these exclusive projects. Over the three days of workshops, students will work on wired cuffs, metal cuffs, and mixed media cuffs.  Prior experience working with wire and metal will be helpful but isn't necessary.

Eva began beading as a way to spend time with her daughters but soon became hopelessly addicted. In 2005 she traded in her architectural career for the opportunity to spend all her time among beads and opened Grand River Bead Studio in Cleveland, Ohio. Eva now happily spends most days in the studio creating, writing and teaching, but has been know to take her show on the road (such as this Beadventure to Ireland)! She has discovered an affinity for working with wire and metals, and prefers to design in an organic and unstructured style. Eva’s first book is “Organic Wire and Metal Jewelry: Stunning Pieces Made with Sea Glass, Stones, and Crystals” and she currently is working on her second book. 

About the Projects . . .
Organic Wire Cuffs - Saturday's Workshop
These organic wire techniques are impossible to mess up because there are no mistakes, only design elements! Instructor Eva Sherman will demonstrate several wire working techniques, and then students will spend the rest of the day incorporating the newly mastered techniques to create their own personalized wire cuffs. The techniques are very beginner friendly, yet challenging enough for the experienced wire worker. Students will learn hot and cold copper wire working methods while creating several cuffs. As an added bonus, many of the techniques are easily adaptable to making rings. Tools for use and all required materials will be provided as part of the class fee.

Cool Copper Cuffs - Sunday's Workshop
These cuff designs are from Eva Sherman's latest book scheduled for release in early 2016. Be the first to learn her newest projects & techniques! Eva will demonstrate several ways to create cuffs using copper sheet metal, and then students will spend the rest of the day incorporating the newly mastered techniques to create their own personalized metal cuffs. The techniques are very beginner friendly, yet challenging enough for the experienced metal worker. Students will create several cuffs while learning hot and cold connections, innovative texture techniques, and how to achieve a permanent flame patina. Tools for use and all required materials will be provided as part of the class fee.

Tuesday's Workshop - Mix It Up Cuffs

These cuff designs are from Eva's latest book scheduled for release in early 2016. Be the first to learn her newest projects and techniques! Eva will demonstrate several ways to create cuffs using copper sheet metal combined with wire, and then students will spend the rest of the day incorporating the newly mastered techniques to create their own personalized cuffs. The techniques are very beginner friendly, yet challenging enough for the experienced metal/wire worker. Students will create several cuffs while learning to combine copper wire and sheet in innovative ways. Tools for use and all required materials will be provided as part of the class fee. 

Trip Cost

  • 2715 Euros (click here for currency converter); final cost will be converted to US dollars based on the conversion rate at the time of  invoicing final payment
  • Single supplement (if available): additional 245 Euros
Cost Includes
  • All lodging
  • All breakfasts, dinners, and 4 lunches
  • Trip insurance (click here for coverage information). If you want to add coverage to include airfare and/or an extended trip, Beadventures can advise you of additional cost.
  • Transport from Galway City to Mayo
  • Bus tours in Mayo
  • Workshop tuition
  • Taxi to hotel in Dublin
Not Included
  • Airfare to Ireland
  • Transport (bus or train) from Dublin to Galway City
  • Four lunches when not at residence
  • Project supplies (supply list and/or kit price will be available prior to workshop)
  • Transportation to Dublin airport from hotel
  • Alcoholic beverages
Payment Terms
  • $500 deposit to hold spot
  • Balance due 90 days prior to start of Beadventure (see Terms and Conditions for more information)

Trip Notes

If you arrive a day or two early here are some suggestions of what to see in Galway:
Any of these trips can be easily booked while you are in Galway at the tourist office that is next door to the hotel. The only plan you will need to make is your extra stay at the Park House Hotel if you arrive prior to the start of the Beadventure.
If you choose to stay on a day or two more in Dublin after the Beadventure ends, you can extend your stay at Bewleys Hotel.

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