
Friday, April 4, 2014

March 21, 2014 Book Signing "Organic Metal & Wire Jewelry"

It was 4 years from conceptualization to realization, but we did it! My co-author Beth Martin and I began talking about writing a book featuring sea glass as a jewelry design element back in 2010. After revising the concept of the book several times, finding a publisher, signing a contract, starting over with the photography halfway thru, and a few other 2 steps forward - 3steps back dance moves, the book was finally finished at the end of 2013. Then we waited. And finally!!! The BIG Day of our first book signing arrived.

With many thanks to BayARTS, who made it a such a wonderful evening (we felt like brides at a wedding), my dearest husband Jeff Sherman who provided the perfect musical accompaniment, dear daughter Jesse who helped with the raffle, and all our other friends who helped out, contributed, encouraged and just generally coped with our bad days, and kept us down to earth during the walking on air days.....

huge, major, super big X's & O's to all


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