
Friday, March 21, 2014

Tucson 2014 Gem Show Wrap Up

Yes, I know this event was almost 2 months ago, but I've been a bit distracted. My Dad fell and broke his hip right about this time, my sister was in town for a couple months to help out, and she finally convinced them to give up the 2 story colonial, plus attic and basement in favor of a nice 1 story ranch. And while all this was going on, I've been traveling, teaching and trying to keep up with the muse, who keeps me awake nights with her incessant why don't you try that, or this....

But I digress. Back to Tucson. The day I left was negative 15 in Cleveland, and when I arrived it was a balmy 70. I have to say, whoever first decided to schedule the national gem show in Tucson in February was a genius, and has my undying gratitude!

This was my 3rd year teaching for Jewelry Tools and they've done a bang up job; organizing, promoting and filling our classes. I love to teach, and taking my show on the road is part of the job. But one thing I really love about the gig in Tucson they provide all the tools. No need for me to schlep or ship a ton of heavy tools. I taught 10 classes in 5 days, so it was a bit hectic, but energizing all at the same time. I won't bore you with all the pics, here is a sampling...


 Rosette Cuffs

 Fist Full of Flowers
 Melodies in Metal

 Fabulous Fold Forming

 From the Ruins of Pompeii

Margarita Cuff
 Snake Eyes

The Perfect Storm

My friend Jodi offered me a couch to crash on, and this was the sweet face that I woke to every morning.

Sweet Ginger!

After finishing the teaching part of the trip I had 3 days to shop, which was about 2 too many. Back when I first started coming to Tucson in 2007, I had a bead shop and restocking the shop every year was a reason to spend money. Now I have no excuse, and really don't need anything, but did that stop me, goodness no! I just can't resist a beautiful cab or a well made tool. Budget blown.

No, I did not buy it...

 Pyratised Ammonites

 Bill Fretz Hammers

 Sliced Amethyst Geodes

 Bronze Infused Cabocons

 The most beautiful lamp work I have ever seen!

 I know it's a piece of rust but I love it!

Besides teaching and shopping, my other favorite reason to come to Tucson every year is meeting up with like minded friends with whom I can talk "shop". I know my kids will never believe this, because at home I am usually in bed by 8 or so, but I was out every single night! And I ate well too! :-)

 California gals Susan and Jonna

 My friend Dale

 Fellow Jewelry Tools teachers

 My editor extraordinaire; Erica Swanson

 Girls who play with hammers!

 More girls who play with hammers

 Tool guy Kevin Potter

And that's a wrap, can't wait till Tucson 2015!!!!


  1. Love the hammers and geodes! Looks and sounds like you had a great time teaching, shopping and hanging out with beady peeps.

    The cuffs made in your classes are fantastic! I am hoping to take your fold forming class at Bead Fest in August. My husband is using vacation time so that I can go, so the number of days I can attend are limited. Such is life when you have a baby and no grandparents nearby!

    1. Thanks Kathleen, looking forward to seeing you in August and give that sweet baby a hug from me, :-)

  2. Wow! It looks like your classes are amazing! It sounds like you had loads of fun and I love everything you bought! Sending a "get well soon" to your Dad.

    Gigi @ Old World Patina

    1. Thanks Gigi, Dad is much better and I am relaxing a bit more now that he is, :-)


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