
Monday, December 9, 2013

Switzerland 2013 Wrap Up - Week 1

It has been almost a month since I returned from Switzerland, so before any more time goes by, and I start getting fuzzy on the details, here's a wrap up.....

Earlier in 2013, fellow jewelry artist Dale Cougar Armstrong and I were invited by Bea Grob to exhibit our work and teach a few classes at Bee's Atelier in Switzerland. Of coarse I said yes immediately, and am so glad I did. It was 2 wonderful weeks; jam packed with art, food, and fun!

Traveling east overseas is always a bit challenging, the brain and body still think it's the middle of the night when it's already mid morning. So I was more than a bit relieved to find Bea waiting for me as I exited customs. Especially since the flight was 4 hours late and this was Bea's 2nd trip to the airport because Dale's flight, unlike mine, had arrived on time. I find the best way to deal with jet lag is to just power thru the day and go to bed right after dinner. Several strong cups of coffee also help.

Bea, her husband Bernard, and daughter Silvana were the most gracious of hosts! And let me just say that their home is enchanting! Everywhere one looks, there are charming little touches of whimsey, 

Day 2 was an unscheduled day, so we did what most women do on unscheduled days; we had  lunch and went shoe shopping. Dale and I both have a thing for boots so check out our new Italian leather boots. To. Die. For.

The next few days were spent getting ready for, and setting up for the exhibit, which was held in a 1200 year old castle called Ritterhaus in the city Bubikon. Bea puts this show on every year, and just spending the few days leading up to it with her, there is a LOT of work that goes into this. Plus she and husband Bernard are very talented artists in their own right. They are weavers who make and exhibit pieces that begin on a loom and are lovingly hand stitched to become the most incredible wearable art. As with most artists, it is a labor of love, and seeing the artists and happy customers that return year after year, validates their efforts. The artists were amazing, and the venue was beyond amazing! It is probably one of the most romantic venues I have ever had the pleasure of being part of. These pictures by no means do it justice, but perhaps will give you a taste of what we saw.

And this was Dale's and my exhibit...I'm on the left, she's on the right.

But after 4 days, a bit of silliness ensued, thanks in no small part to fellow artist Susan Kuske, a talented textile artist with a gift for silliness...

The show was a wonderful opportunity, and I can't thank Bea enough for inviting me! After wrapping things up Sunday, we had several days to be tourists. Bea and Dale went sight seeing in Germany, while I went to visit family; the bonus part of the trip for me. My Aunt Piri and Uncle Rudi live in Arleshiem, and I spent several wonderful days there, visiting, chatting, and catching up with my cousins Piri, Charlie, and Judith.

Week 2 post to follow shortly....


  1. I've been waiting for this! I saw a lot of these on Facebook, but the inside pics of Bea's house and the castle are to die glad you had a wonderful time and what an enchanting set of photos!

  2. Wow! Very cool, Eva. Sounds like a lot of fun. Paula Atwell

    1. thanks so much Paula, it was the trip of a lifetime! :-)

  3. I have often thought of visiting Switzerland even as a child. Thank you for sharing your adventures!

    1. I hope you get a chance to visit Keith, it's a beautiful country! :-)


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