
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Give Away Opportunity!!!

So last week I was playing around with some bezel wire and pre-made bezel cups and made this cuff which, I thought looked rather "scrappy". 

I knew I was going to remake it, but I got so much positive feed back on the original, that I decided to give it away. If you still like version 1 (on the left), leave a comment between now and 9 PM tomorrow, Sunday Sept. 1 and I will use a random generator to select a winner. 

And yes I like version 2 better, and yes it is for sale...


  1. Capriccio . . . A Whimsical FancyAugust 31, 2013 at 4:58 PM

    Eva: I think I like the original best because it seems more random. Love all your designs. Collene

  2. Love copper and turquoise together and the depth the wire brezel gives to the cuff

    1. Hi Cath, the first winner did not respond despite several contact attempts so I selected another random number and you are it! Please respond with your mailing address to to claim your cuff and congrats!

  3. I would love to win the cuff bracelet!

  4. I think they're both so cool, but I agree with you, #2 kicks it up a notch and seems more balanced. Your work is lovely! Christie

  5. I love it! Both versions look great to me actually. Copper and turquoise are my favorite combination.

  6. Truthfully, I love them both (and all of your pieces that I have seen so far). However, I really love how the first one almost looks aged and more rough.

  7. I love them both! Beautiful work!

  8. Yes I still like the first one, maybe because it looks more organic and rustic, though the second one is beautiful too! Please add my name to the drawing.

  9. They are both beautiful!!!!!!!!! Great designs!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. You know how much I love your work....and this is amazing!!

  11. Gorgeous both! *crosses fingers and toes* I would love to win. Your work is amazing!

  12. that is such a cool look, I would LOVE to win it!

  13. Both are amazing work. I love the linear quality to them. Throw my hat in the drawing!

  14. Love them both! I would love to win this!

  15. Me, Me, Me, Eva!!!! I'll take anything of yours and wear it proudly. :)

  16. Hey Eva! Lovely work you have been doing!! hope I'm the winner of the cuff!! I'd like to get to your studio for a class one of these days! I see some great teachers are scheduled! Wow! Helena

  17. I really love both pieces. In fact, love all your bracelets on this site. I do some beading and some wire working now, but hope to start metal working soon. Where do you sell your work? Is there another site? I'd love to see all of it and if I have enough "special jewelry money", buy a piece. I live in Ohio and doubt we'll be meeting any time soon, so having your website would be great.
    In the meantime, if I won the bracelet on the left, I'd most certainly do the "Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy Dance"!

  18. I think they are both beautiful! I'd love to win this beautiful bracelet. Turquoise is one of my favorite stones and paired with copper gives it a rustic beauty.

  19. I would love to own the first bracelet, I love both!

  20. I love them both! How much does #2 cost?

  21. Both are gorgeous
    Peppy Obrien

  22. I think the stones on the second version are more in keeping with the overall scale of the piece. That being said, I like both of them. The cuff itself is amazing! Toes and fingers crossed that I win!

  23. I do like the original best, even though the second one is beautiful. I like the first because the random design just seems to work for me. I especially like the flat strips in the design. It is unique and quite lovely. I would love to win it!

    1. Shelly, you are the winner! Please email me at to claim your cuff! :-)

    2. Shelly, Please contact me asap to claim your cuff. I really want to give it to you but if I don't hear back within the next couple days, I will pick another winner. My email is and I look forward to hearing from you!

  24. Both designs are beautiful! I was so impressed with the design of the first one, thinking "how could it get any better"? But you took brilliant to the next level with the second cuff-it really is stunning. I understand you wanting to change or correct a piece if you are not happy with it as I have done the same thing. Sometimes it takes hours or even days but it is time well spent!

    Thank you for the giveaway too-it will definitely have a happy home as so many people love it!

  25. I love them both! But the color in the first really catches my eye.Thank you for the chance to win it. I would be honored to wear one of your pieces and hope that one day mine will be as breath taking as yours are!

  26. I love both cuffs, Eva, but I always liked the first one. I think I commented to that effect last week! I'm gladly throwing my hat in the ring to win it!!!

  27. Note sure if there's still time (time zone issue). I never commented when you posted the cuff the first time, but like so many others I really loved it. They both look great in their own way and I love the wrapping. If you would consider sending the cuff all the way here, I'd love a chance to win your beautiful creation!

  28. Like everyone else I really like both cuffs. I do think the design is a little more balanced on the second but I tell you .... if I am lucky enough to win I will proudly wear the first cull. I really do like it a lot! Copper and turquoise favorite combo of all time!

  29. I know I posted on here, but it didn't show up. MMMMMMM. Wonder why? Anyway, what I said was, I would love to have that cuff. Eva's work is beautiful and receiving a piece of her work would be like getting a Picasso!!! They are both equally as beautiful. Thank you for the giveaway. I hope this gets posted.

  30. Those are both fabulous. I love the randomness of the strips and the turquoise is great! I love to win the first and have my own Eva Sherman original.

  31. Thank you ALL for your very kind and encouraging comments!!! The random number generator picked #26 which is shellyT. Shelley, please email me at to claim your prize! :-)


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