
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Thirty Years and Counting....

Thirty years ago on a Thursday afternoon I finally convinced the love of my life that we should get married. I'm sure my family and friends had their doubts but I did not hesitate for one second.... I was knock me over with a feather, helplessly and hopelessly in L O V E!!!

We've been thru a lot since those early years, some better, some worse, some sickness, some health, some richer, and some poorer days, but if I could go back, I would not change one. single. thing. Neither of us is any where near perfect, but somehow our weaknesses and strengths balance out and we make a great team. Together we've found faith, raised 2 wonderful girls, worked a lot, traveled a little, renovated a house, and made it into a home sweet home. Most recently we've both retired from our professional careers and become full time artists, he as a musician, me as a jewelry designer.

Not sure if we have another 30 years in us, but I'm game if if he is....


  1. Sounds like a match made in heaven, Eva... congratulations to you both!

    1. Thanks so much Monique, I have been truly blessed, :-)

  2. I love it. So sweet! You are my inspiration, Mrs. Sherman. Love, Sandra

    1. Thank you dear Sandra, and I'm sure after 30 years you will have a also beautiful testimony of a happy marriage. I'm still tickled to have been part of the "getting together" :-)

  3. Hope you have a wonderful anniversary and many more!

  4. Happy Anniversary! We just celebrated our 30th, too. Where does the time go?

    1. Thanks Helen, yes time does fly, doesn't it? And congrats to you too!!!

  5. Eva: Many congratulations - we're going for our 27th later this year - what would we do without love?!?!? I'm looking forward to your classes at Art and Soul Portland. Collene

    1. Thanks Collene, and congrats to you also! I look forward to meeting you in October, :-)


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