
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hungary 2012

My Hungarian roots are not even one generation deep. My dad grew up in Satoralyaujhely and mom in Tallya, a rural area know mostly for it's vineyards. Her father owned a vineyard and crafted wines that I'm told were legendary. Just a few years ago the family homestead and vinyards were sold but we were able to visit.both.

My maternal grandfather Sebo Osvay married my grandmother Eva Enekes and they had 4 kids. Those 4 kids married and had 12 grand kids between them. These are pictures of my Hungarian aunts, uncles, cousins, spouses and some of their kids....


This trip was a lot about visiting family but also reliving memories for my mom, and making new ones for me. My grandfather always took my grandmother to Lilafured for their anniversary. Lilafured is a converted palace that became a luxury hotel with a wonderful restaurant and beautiful gardens. All 3 of my mom's siblings and their spouses joined us for lunch on what would have been their 78th anniversary. Bittersweet for all.

My mom and dad were married in Budapest and fled communist tyranny a few months after I was born and shortly after the student led revolution of October 1956. Although we visited my grandparents several times in my childhood, this is the first time I was able to visit with my mom as an adult.  It was a wonderful trip and I am truly grateful for the opportunity to visit my homeland. We spent our last 3 days in Budapest where my sister Liz was able to join us.


  1. Thank you for sharing your beautiful family with us, Eva! What an amazing trip this must have been for you and your Mum, and how hard the parting must have been. I assume you grew up speaking the language (magyar?) at home. What a gift to be able to converse with your relatives.

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words. It was an amazing trip and I had a fabulous time with my mom and was happy that my sis was able to join us for a few days. I did speak Magyar at home and my parents sent me to 10 years of Hungarian School which I hated at the time but am so grateful for now. My mom and sis will be home in a few days and I am looking forward to hearing how the rest of the trip went, :-)


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