
Sunday, May 13, 2012

California Trip

My family and I spent a few days in sunny LA this past week. It was a wonderful trip, lots to see and do, as long as you're not in a hurry to get there.....

Airplane food being what it is, our first stop was lunch at Boa, a lovely spot we remembered from 3 years earlier when we first visited with our little freshman, who is now graduating, and hence the reason for our trip. The food and view overlooking the Pacific were just as fantastic as memory served.

Next stop; Santa Monica Pier for coffee, photo opp's and people/pet watching.....

Last stop; Lancaster, where we finally got to hug our little graduate! But being that our day started at 2 am local time, we were very ready to call it a night right after dinner. I think Miss Emmy may have squeezed in a work out, but me? I was out as soon as my head hit the pillow!

Wednesday morning at 9 am we were back for graduation.......

And celebratory lunch at In-N-Out, the graduates choice.... :-)

After lunch we thought we'd give my Mom a taste of the local scene so we headed to Venice Beach, which in hind sight may have been a mistake. Sorry Mom!  The following pix have been edited for family viewing....

Oh yeah, we look happy now, but just moments after this picture was taken we got totally drenched by the surf....


  1. Looks like a fun mini-break! Congrats to the graduate. Was the surf that drenched you at least somewhat warm water?!

    1. It was a great trip Kathleen, but no, the Pacific is still a bit chilly in May.... :-)


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