
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tucson 2012

Going to Tucson is a bit like Christmas morning. I can hardly wait for it to get here, don't sleep much the night before and am never disappointed when it finally arrives. To be in the same town with beautiful beads, cool tools, plus catching up with gemmy's looking like it's gonna be a great week!!!

Most of my first day was spent at the JOGS show; which is an interesting combination of high end designer jewelry, serious gemstones and some of what we in the biz affectionately refer to as cheap crap.  I've always been enamored of gemstones, but this year I was on the hunt for raw, unpolished stones and beads. I was not disappointed...blew my daily budget by 2 pm.

I also met Lana May, a wonderful weaving artist who heads up classes and the "One of a Kind" exhibition at the JOGS show. One of my pieces is on exhibit there and I'm tickled pink because someone actually wants to buy it!


After spending my daily allowance, I headed to Tucson Electric Park which is where all the rock hounds and tool geeks meet. Met more gemmy friends, checked out the booth (where I will be teaching Thurs & Friday) and resisted the urge to by every cabochon I saw.

A beautiful sunset as I was leaving made the 20 minute parking lot search for my car a teeny bit less aggravating ....


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