
Sunday, January 22, 2012

5th Bead Soup Blog Party

I am participating in the 5th Bead Soup Blog Party as sponsored by Lori Anderson of Pretty Things. The last one gave me a much needed creative kick in the pants, so I am really looking forward to this next challenge. My delightful partner Elisabeth Auld writes the blog Beads for Busy Gals and I'm already a fan! Elisabeth, I hope you like my bead's a quick snap for you.... :-)


  1. Hi Eva, I found your blog through Elisabeth's blog. I started reading and I liked what I was reading. I find you very humorous and enlightening. I'm wanting to work with metal more and I really like the coiled rosette ring and I am going to give it a try. Happy creating with the bead soup that you will be getting from Elisabeth. I was not one of the lucky ones to get picked this time around, but that is ok. I look forward to the hop and seeing everyone's creations.

    1. Thanks for the kind words Therese, I'm enjoying blogging almost as much as creating, the 2 seem to mesh well together, eh? Good luck with your metal work and if you have any questions about the rosette ring, just holler! :-)

  2. Oh wow, that looks like the froth on cappuccino!

    1. cool beads and pretties with mocha's and muffins...these are a few of my favorite things....

      humming along with Julie Andrews :-)


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