
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Pasadena Bead & Design Show 7/11

I was so privileged to spend a week in California with the WireKnitZ team; we had a blast checking out Olde Town Pasadena, the high light of which was an evening at a local Tapas Restaurant with a real live flamenco dancer accompanied by a super talented classical guitarist! Crossing it off my bucket list....

At the show itself, there were so many talented artists that my brain went into creative overload and lost it's ability to monitor credit card spending...sigh. But on the plus side, I came home with fabulous new beads for the shop, a Barbara Younge sweater and a great knit hat that makes me look like a 1940's gal. Can't wait for winter! :-)  Oh, and I almost forgot the rings...yes....more than one....but the most original designs I've ever seen!!!

Along with my friend Norma Melton who heads up our team, we were delighted to welcome Susan Blessinger, our newest WKZ rep on the west coast; a lovely lady and a total California gal! We also met Alejandra Aceves, who took to WKZ like a duck to water, check out the ring she made!

But the icing on the cake was spending some time with the super talented Lilian Chen, an original wire designer, if ever there was one. I took a class with her and now know how to "follow the curve". If you ever have a chance to take her class, jump on it! We are scheming getting her out here to Ohio to teach. Stay tuned for details....

So now that I've sufficiently recovered from jetlag, returned most of my emails and updated my blog, I think I'll call it a day!

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