
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Doodle Rings and Scribble Cuffs

The trouble with a 24 hour day is, it's just not long enough. With all the other commitments and obligations constantly begging for attention, I find that the myriad of ideas knocking around the inside of my head and demanding to be let out have to be told to SHUT UP and wait their turn. But after awhile they conspire to rob me of any sleep, so I try to carve a few hours each week for them to have at it. Here's what we did last Friday....

After annealing a whole bunch of 14 ga copper, the experimentation began. Timidly at first, with a few easy rings, just doodling around with wire really, but I was not unhappy with the results. Then the muse got bolder and added more wire...then more.....then even more! There was no stopping till we ran out of wire....

What do you think?


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