
Monday, July 25, 2011

Wired & Fired Weekend

"Teaching is more than imparting knowledge, it is inspiring change. Learning is more than absorbing facts, it is acquiring understanding."
William Arthur Ward 
Thank you Carla Meinberg for an inspiring, challenging and edifying weekend of classes! And BTW, I LOVE my rings!!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Another Dahlia Pendant

With the help of my good friend Beth Martin, I reworked the original design for the Dahlia Pendant and wrote a tutorial for this project. Want one? They will be available on our Etsy site after the Pasadena classes next week.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Pasadena Bead & Design Show Classes

June 28-30 I will be at the Pasadena Bead & Design Show teaching classes and demoing projects that incorporate WireKnitZ, one of my new favorite materials to create with! I would love you to join me, but if not, please check out the projects. Tutorials coming soon!

Night at the Opera Cuff Demo
On a Roll Cuff Demo
Victory Cuff Demo
Dahlia Pendant Class
Queen Victoria Cuff Class
Entangled Necklace Class

Monday, July 11, 2011


Watched the setting sun over Lake Erie with my sweetie last night.....perfect end to a perfect weekend! :-)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Wire n Lace Project

I'm starting to really enjoy digital writing, especially when I have something to brag, I mean blog about. :-)

In the latest issue of Step by Step Wire, I have a project on page 22. It is a WireKnitZ cuff with an abstract wire motif embellishment. I've not seen the magazine version yet, but here's my photo from the tut.

Hope you like it!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Art Museum Visit

I have a touch of artists A.D.D. and tried my hand at a slew of creative endeavors  For a while I was fascinated with photography, then there was a period where glass was a major obsession, but the latest rabbit hole I've fallen into is metals. I love EVERYTHING about creating with metal from the endless variety of tools with which it can be beaten into submission, to the lovely hiss from the quench bowl after torching......

So yesterday when I finally had a chance to visit the Cleveland Art Museum, it was the metal works I was drawn to. I am amazed at what these artists of another era were able to create without power tools or You Tube video tutorials. Here are a few items that captured my imagination.....


Oh wait, that's my guy....

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever

"A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:
Its loveliness increases; it will never
Pass into nothingness; but still will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep.... "

With humble apologies to John Keats, the sculpting provided by surf, sand and wind can turn even an old beer bottle into a thing of beauty; stunning in color and uncommon in shape. 

I love the beach, especially in the summer! The kiss of the sun, pounding waves, crisp breezes, wet bare feet.......ahhhhhh....I feel myself relaxing just thinking about it......

So I find myself creating beach glass jewelry.......because winters here in NE Ohio are long and bleak....and I need a summer memory to wear all year......

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Relaxing by the beach.....

ahhhhh......I could sit here all day......

but awaits....

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

WireKnitZ 'V' Cuffs

Sometimes just a conversation with a friend can light a creative fire....

But Norma dear, let's chat earlier in the day from now's past my bedtime....:-)

Mermaid Tears

Why yes, that is my project on the cover of Step by Step Wire....:-)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Doodle Rings and Scribble Cuffs

The trouble with a 24 hour day is, it's just not long enough. With all the other commitments and obligations constantly begging for attention, I find that the myriad of ideas knocking around the inside of my head and demanding to be let out have to be told to SHUT UP and wait their turn. But after awhile they conspire to rob me of any sleep, so I try to carve a few hours each week for them to have at it. Here's what we did last Friday....

After annealing a whole bunch of 14 ga copper, the experimentation began. Timidly at first, with a few easy rings, just doodling around with wire really, but I was not unhappy with the results. Then the muse got bolder and added more wire...then more.....then even more! There was no stopping till we ran out of wire....

What do you think?